The astronomer Vicent J. Martínez awarded with the Jose María Savirón for Scientific Dissemination Award

Vicent Martínez.

The full university professor of the University of Valencia's Astronomy and Astrophysics Vicente J. Martínez has achieved the José María Savirón for Scientific Dissemination National Award of this year. a recognition without an economic resourse promoted by several scientif societies of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza. The candidacy was introduced by the Spanish Society of Astronomy, the Royal Spanish Society of Mathematics, the Royal Spanish Society of Physics and the Royal Academy of Science of Zaragoza.

The jury has recognize the worth of the "distinguised, extense and diverse dissemination task" of Martínez through all kind of bases such as books, articles, speeches and documentaries, while it is pointed out the project of the Aula del Cielo promoted by the Astronomic observatory under its direction and the scientific net for communication (CONEC), which has become the  website of the Federation of Spanish Scientific Societies (COSCE). Both activities are carried out through agreements between the University of Valencia and the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government).
Vicent Martínez has beed for more than 11 years the manager of the University of Valencia' Astronomic Observatory (OAUV). Its researching activity is dedicated basically to the galaxies, the structure of the Universe and its cosmology on a broad scale. Its work in the field of dissemination has included the organization and teaching of courses for the university and international seminars dedicated to the training of scientific writers, in addition he participated  in the creation of the Chair for Scientific Dissemination. As manager of the (OAUV), he has guide the dissemination task of the centre in the open house, tours for schools through the Aula del Cielo (from which around 3.000 students per year have taken profit in the last eight years), cicles of speeches and special sessions for observing astronomic events. He was also the responsible person of creating the Museographic Collection of ancient astronomic instruments of the (OAUV), recognised by Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government)
According to Martínez, "it is a very prestigious award that carries the name of a great scientific and an excellent teacher. In the past, it has been given to people with a great career in scientific dissemination activities. This awarding is a recognition to a whole collective which, from the Astronomic Observatory makes an excelent task, with pasion and enthusiasm, in order to bring science to the society, through well consolidated projects, with continuity and with a great social repercussion".
The José María Savirón award is organised since 2005 by the Territorial Section in Aragón of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry, the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, the Royal Spanish Society of Mathematics, the Offcial School of Chemists of Aragón, the Official School of Geologists of Aragón, the Official School of Physicists of Aragón, the Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation, the Royal Acadmy of Exact, Physical, Chemical and Natural Science of Zaragoza, the Superior Council of Scientific Research of the University of Zaragoza - in which the Government of Aragón and Zaragoza's city council colabore- and the University of Zaragoza's Faclty of Science.
Some of the previous awarded of the José María Savirón for the Scientific Dissemination award have been José Pardina, director of the "Muy Interesante" magazine, the Astrophysics Institute of Canary Islands, Pascual Román, publisher of the scientific magazine "Anales de Química"; Ramón Núñez Centella, manager of the National Museum of Science and Technology or Raúl Ibáñez Torres, creator and manager of Divulgamat, the greatest webpage in Spanish about mathematics. And in the last edition, ex aequo, the programme "Tres 14" of La 2 and Jorge Mira for several works and the programme "ConCiencia" were awarded.  

Last update: 17 de july de 2013 11:04.

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