The journalist Adolf Beltran and El Camí win the XVIII Vicent Ventura Prize of the Universitat de València

Membres d'El Camí, en una excursió a la Vall d'Albaida.

The journalist and writer Adolf Beltran and the cultural hiking route El Camí ( are the winners of the Vicent Ventura Prize, which was founded by the Universitat de València to honour the memory of the journalist, politician and civic fighter died in 1998. The award, which is a sculpture by Sebastià Miralles, will be given on 25 April at 19:00h at the Aula Magna of La Nau Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València.

This award is given to people or collectives that have stand out for their civic and democratic trajectory and also long-standing commitment with Valencian culture and language. The organising commission and the jury of the award is composed of the Universitat de València, the Universitat Jaume I, people that maintained a close relationship with Vicent Ventura, CCOO, STEPV, UGT, the ‘Unió de Llauradors i Ramaders’ (‘Farmers and livestock owners union’) and the ‘Unió de Periodistes Valencians’ (‘Valencian journalists union’).

Adolf Beltran
Adolf Beltran (Valencia, 1958) was a member of the editorial committe of the literary magazine ‘Cairell’. He worked in the Valencian newspaper ‘Noticias al Día’ and the weekly paper ‘El Temps’, where he became part of the foundational department.  From 1986 to 2015 he worked in the paper ‘El País’, where he was also responsible of the cultural supplement ‘Quadern’ in Valencia.  Nowadays, he is responsible of the Valencian edition of ‘’.

He has published some novels such as ‘No digues adéu’ (1989), ‘Les llunes de Russafa’ (2005), that were awarded with Joanot Martorell Prize, and ‘Estribor’ (2015). Regarding essays, he was the author of ‘Un país possible: Identitat valenciana i modernització’ (1994) and ‘Els temps moderns: societat valenciana i cultura de masses al segle XX’ (2002). 

His bibliography includes also journalistic works as in the case of the books of interviews ‘Vicent Ventura, converses amb un ciutadà’ (1993) and ‘Emili Tortosa, converses amb un directiu compromés’ (2009). In 2005 he published the investigative report ‘La València lletja’.

He is the author of the volume ‘Ramon Lapiedra: La raó cívica (2002)’; the textbook La raó cívica (2002)’, in collaboration with Gemma Lluch and Montserrat Ferrer; and coauthor and editor of a volume dedicated to the letters that Joan Fuster sent to Vicent Ventura and Josep Garcia Richart (2002).

He is collaborator of magazines such as ‘L’Espill’, ‘Caràcters’ or ‘L’Avenç’, among others.

El Camí 

El Camí is a cultural hiking route that, with signposts, links paths and routes from all Catalan regions and isles. This leads to know 
the culture, history, landscape and people of each region. It is suitable for people of all ages. 

El Camí began in 2003 and covers nearly 4,750 km (main road marked in red), in addition to the several roads that lead to the rest of villages of each region (marked in yellow) which are created progressively.

El Camí is a collaborative project and everybody can participate in different ways and also contribute quotes in the ‘Camipèdia’ or publish activities in the front page. It is aimed at walking, despite the fact that the bicycles are also permitted in some stages. El Camí is one of those most important heritage elements that are located among villages. This makes the route more appealing.

It is suitable for people of all ages and audiences, with a low or medium level of difficulty. Furthermore, el Camí makes possible the social relationship between pedestrians and the villages and strengths it.
Within the different ways of doing the route, one alternative is to participate in the numerous walks organised by the group ‘Grup de Caminants’.

Any association, person or city council can propose establishing a walk that passes through the village in order to add this stage to El Camí route.  This proposal is worked together with the responsibles of the route and it it’s explained by people who live in the region.

All the update information can be found at the webpage or on social networks.


Last update: 8 de march de 2017 07:00.

News release