The Exhibition-Contest Experimenta celebrates the XIII edition with a successful number of participants and public

  • April 22nd, 2018
The principal Mª Vicenta Mestre attends the Exhibition-Contest Experimenta

The event took place at Príncipe Felipe Museum in València. It has been organised by the Faculty of Physics of the Universitat de València with the aim of bringing physics and technology closer to students of Secondary School in a creative and participative way. The Exhibition counted with the presence of the principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre; the dean of the Faculty of Physics, Jordi Vidal and the director of the Institute for Corpuscular Physics, Juan José Hernández.

In this edition, more than 450 participants presented a total of 93 projects. They came from centres along all the Valencian Community and also other provinces such as Jaén, Teruel and Écija. There were even international participants coming from Moscow (Russia). Concretely, more than 333 students of Secondary School, Sixth Form and BTEC participated, accompanied by 85 teachers.

The entry was free and it is estimated that around 3,500 people visit every year the Experimenta Exhibition, focused on approaching physics and technology to the citizens in order to make it more accessible and entertaining. Children could also enjoy this event thanks to Fisicalàndia, where they were able to understand natural phenomena.

The Exhibition concluded in the room Santiago Grisolía with the delivery of prizes to the best projects and also to the project more voted by the public. The jury was formed by professors and also teachers of secondary school. It was composed of the same number of women and men. More than 90 voluntary collaborators of the Faculty of Physics of the Universitat de València took part in the event.

The principal Mª Vicenta Mestre delivered a total of five prizes: four of them were worth 300€, for each category of the contest depending on the stage of their studies. The other prize was worth 200€, for the most voted project by the public of the exhibition. The state secondary schools Massamagrell (Massamagrell) and Clot del Moro (Sagunt) were awarded in the category of Physics Demonstrations and Experiments. In Technological Applications, the prizes were delivered to the School Sagrada Familia (Massamagrell) and the state secondary school Bernat Guinovart (Algemesí). The School Sagrada Familia (Massamagrell) also won the prize awarded by the public. Several honourable mentions were delivered as well.

The awarded projects and mentions will participate in a subsequent exhibition open to the public. As the students explain the projects, they will be recorded in video. The videos and other descriptive documents shall be available online as teaching and disseminating materials.