Presentation of institutional news of the Universitat de València in the Book Fair

  • Office of the Principal
  • May 3rd, 2018
Presentació novetats editorials de la Universitat a la Fira de Llibre
De izquierda a derecha, Antonio Ariño, Vicent Pons, Mª Angeles Durán, Mª Vicenta Mestre, Romà de la Calle y Antoni Furió

La Llibrería and Publications of the Universitat de València has published more than hundred latest news in the current course presented in the Book Fair of Valencia, organised by Gremio de Libreros and celebrated in the Jardines del Real.

The principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, with the vice-principal of Culture, Antonio Ariño, have participated in the presentation of some institutional news of the current edition. Concretely, in the event have been presented the books 'La riqueza invisible del cuidado’ of the professor Mª Ángeles Durán in the collection of honoris cause, 'Iacobi prime instrumenta in archivo Sedis valentinae asservata’, collective edition with a preliminary study of Francisco Gimeno Blay; 'Fenomenología de la experiencia estética’ of Mikel Dufrenne with the translation of Romà de la Calle and two newness of the collection «Fuentes Históricas Valencianas»: 'Capbreu de la Cofradía de Huérfanas a casar de Valencia (XIV-XVII century)’, by Mª Adela García-Menacho and Mª Milagros Cárcel and 'Los libros de Consejos de la ciudad de Castellón (1374-1383)’, by Carles Rabassa and Elena Sánchez.

In the presentation, besides the principal Mª Vicenta Mestre, have participated the archivist of the Cathedral of Valencia and the professor of Medieval History and Historiography Sciences and Techniques, Vicente Pons; the full university professor of Aesthetics and director of the collection Estética&Crítica, Romà de la Calle; the honorary doctor of the Centre of Human and Social Sciences of CSIC, Mª Ángeles Durán; and the director of the collection Fuentes Históricas Valencianas and full university professor of Medieval History and Historiography Sciences and Techniques, Antoni Furió. The principal emphasised that the presented books show scientific rigour of how the University works. Mestre thanked Publications Service for its work “in reclaiming our heritage and to transfer to the society so that new generations can inherit it.”

Book Fair of Valencia takes part until Sunday 6 May in the Jardines del Real. The Universitat de Valencia is in the stands 7 and 8. More than hundred news editorials published in the current academic course among in-house publications and other editorials from faculties and departments will be available to the public. It will be also offered a collection of publications of the universities that are part of the Xarxa Vives d’Universitats, as well as a selection of university novelties which are available at La Llibreria de la Universitat.