ZOOM: New UV video conferencing service

  • Joaquin Aldas Manzano
  • July 6th, 2022
Image de la noticia

Zoom, in the process of public bidding, was recently awarded the UV video conferencing service. The platform we have used so far, BBC, will be available until July 31, 2022.

Zoom is already operational and can be accessed through the zoom.uv.es portal

This change of platform has many advantages and several consequences that I wanted to convey to you:

• If you want to keep the BBC videos you need to download them before the platform stops being available on July 31, 2022. In previous posts we will give instructions on how to do this, but you can remember the procedure in this video: https://mmedia.uv.es/html5/g/aisdi/70586_grabacionesbbc_1.mp4

• If you already have a zoom account and you have used your uv.es email as a user, it will become an institutional account with all the benefits (unlimited duration of the video conference, for example). If you want to keep it, in addition to having the institutional one, all you have to do is change your user to an e-mail other than uv.es

To facilitate the transition, the Computer Service has prepared a simple and complete documentation for the fundamental tasks, such as creating meetings in the Virtual Classroom as we have been doing until now.
There is also a frequently asked questions section: https://angela.uv.es/x/X47CBQ

We hope that this change, the reason for which is none other than the termination of the existing contract with BBC, a tender won by a different company (zoom), will be satisfactory for all UV users.


Joaquín Aldás-Manzano
Vice-Rector for Strategy, Quality and Information Technology