
  • If I don't get a place in my first choice for the University, do I still have to enrol?

    All students admitted to study at the UV, regardless of the order of preference in the pre-registration, must enrol within the stipulated period if they do not want to lose the place they have obtained.

  • What happens if I enrol in the place I have obtained, and later, due to the waiting list, I am awarded the degree I want?

    All students who have been assigned a place, and it was not the first one they applied for, must enrol in the degree course obtained in order not to lose the place they were assigned. If you are still on the waiting list and in any call you are awarded a place different to the one you have obtained, you must go to the centre where you have enrolled to cancel your enrolment and go to the centre to which the new degree course is assigned to re-enrol. More information: http://links.uv.es/2FZ8evO.

  • How much does it cost to enrol at university?

    The cost of enrolment for official studies (bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates) is limited by public prices. The annual amount of tuition fees is established by the Generalitat Valenciana (Decree on fees) in accordance with the maximum and minimum increase limits determined by the Ministry of Education. More information: http://links.uv.es/6MnTHbo.

  • How can I pay the enrolment fee at the University?

    The ordinary form of payment at the Universitat de València is by direct debit at any financial institution and payment in two or eight instalments. You can also opt for a single payment. Incoming students pay the first instalment of the registration fee or the administrative fees in the second half of September if they are applying for scholarships. Students applying for scholarships from the Ministry of Education only pay the administrative fees in the first instalment. If, once the scholarship application is rejected, the amount of the registration fees will be divided into the remaining instalments of the registration fees. If the registration fees are not paid within the established deadlines, the centre where the student is enrolled will initiate, ex officio, the procedure of cancellation of registration due to non-payment, notifying the interested party of the initiation of this procedure. When you know that you are not going to be able to pay the registration fee, it is advisable to inform the secretary's office of the centre before cancelling the registration fee due to non-payment. More information:  http://links.uv.es/jQjMqo6.

  • I have paid the registration fee in instalments, what happens if I do not pay any instalment?

    Failure to pay any of the instalments will result in the cancellation of the enrolment, without the right to reimbursement of the amounts paid. However, due to the health crisis, and exceptionally, if the person paying the bills is affected by an ERTE and duly justifies it to the Centre, the appropriate measures will be taken to make the payment more flexible.

  • Are there any exemptions from paying tuition fees?

    The possible exemptions and discounts for the payment of tuition fees are included in state and / or regional regulations: - Students who are beneficiaries of scholarships and/or study grants do not pay registration fees - Students who are members of large families and single-parent families pay 50% of the registration fee if they are members of large families in the general category and 100% if they are in the special category. Students with a disability of 33% or more are exempt from tuition fees - Students affected by terrorist acts are exempt from tuition fees. - Students affected by terrorist acts are exempt from tuition fees - Students who are victims of gender violence, as well as their dependent sons and daughters under 25 years of age, are exempt from tuition fees - Students who have been awarded honours at the end of the academic year are exempt from tuition fees. - Students with honours in the overall assessment of the 2nd year of the Baccalaureate or with an extraordinary award in the Baccalaureate will enjoy, during the first year and only once, total exemption from the payment of tuition fees - Students who obtain an "honours" qualification in their university studies will not pay the following year, if they do not change their studies, the amount equivalent to the number of credits in which they have obtained this qualification More information:  http://links.uv.es/jQjMqo6.

  • Can I cancel my registration?

    YES, you can request the cancellation of registration, both total and partial at the request of the student, provided that there is a supervening cause and force majeure, it is requested through electronic administration and within the periods established for it in the calendar of administrative management. The decision to accept the cancellation of enrolment will only lead to a refund of tuition fees if the request was made before 31 December of the current year. More information:  http://links.uv.es/5DnIv9B.

  • Can I change my enrolment?

    Enrolment modifications can only be made within the enrolment period. Outside these deadlines, only exceptionally and with prior justification. Modification of enrolment is understood to mean: change of subject, cancellation or extension of subjects.

  • How many subjects do I have to register for?

    Full-time UV students must register for at least 36 credits. Part-time students can enrol for a minimum of 24 credits and a maximum of 36 credits. More information:  http://links.uv.es/5DnIv9B.

  • How many times can I register for the same subject?

    Students studying undergraduate degrees will have a maximum of 6 sittings to pass a subject. Students who have less than 15% of their credits left to complete their studies will not be subject to the above. More information:  http://links.uv.es/39qX1aX.

  • What is full-time enrolment and part-time enrolment?

    These are two types of enrolment that can be selected each academic year and from the first year onwards.


    Full-time enrolment:

    • This is the ordinary enrolment modality that by default corresponds to all students.
    • It involves enrolling for at least 36 credits.
    • Students can enrol for a maximum of 72 credits.

    Part-time enrolment:

    • This is a type of enrolment designed for students who combine work with their studies or who, for personal reasons or academic performance, can or must follow their studies with a lower annual course load.
    • It involves enrolling for a minimum of 24 credits and a maximum of 36 credits.
    • Students enrolled part-time will be eligible for grants and financial aid if they meet the other academic and financial requirements. The grants to be received will be calculated taking into account the condition of part-time students.

    More information:  http://links.uv.es/5DnIv9B

  • Can I register for individual subjects?

    Yes, only in the case of basic training subjects. More information:  http://links.uv.es/5DnIv9B.

  • When will registration take place this year?

    Enrolment is online from any computer or electronic device, using a computer application that allows you to complete all the formalities to formalise your enrolment. You can find your appointment through the University's website:  http://links.uv.es/hAgc1kV

    More information: http://links.uv.es/fsyuC4i.

  • I think that due to the economic circumstances that the health crisis has produced in my family, I will not be able to pay my bills

    Due to the economic circumstances caused by the health crisis, the Universitat de València has taken certain measures to help you pay your bills and has set up grants with its own funds. You can consult:  https://links.uv.es/MaCGNL8.

  • When can I apply for an enrolment appointment?

    You can consult the administrative calendar for this academic year at:  http://links.uv.es/qv6IeSS. However, due to the suspension of teaching activity caused by the health crisis, the published dates may not be valid.