• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 17528: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in (a) foreign language(s).
  • 17529: Get to know the fundamentals of the Latin language and classical culture through its texts.
  • 17530: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of linguistics.
  • 17531: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism.
  • 17532: Interrelate different areas of humanistic studies.
  • 17533: Have and apply general knowledge in humanistic areas related to this field of study.
  • 16665: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and methods of literary criticism applied to Greek languages.
  • 16666: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and methods of literary criticism applied to Latin.
  • 16667: Develop the ability to translate and interpret Latin texts of various types.
  • 17534: Compare and analyse the constituents of one's own language with those of other languages.
  • 16655: Develop the ability to translate and interpret Greek texts of various types.
  • 16654: Know the techniques of analysis of non-literary texts and their application.
  • 16653: Know the techniques of analysis of literary texts and their application.
  • 5602: Acquire the ability to read, understand and disseminate the scientific production of the languages studied.
  • 16652: Acquire the ability to locate, synthesise and manage bibliographic information and computer tools in the area of study of classical philology.
  • 16416: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the linguistic techniques and methods applied to the Greek language.
  • 5522: Have knowledge of textual criticism and text editing.
  • 16415: Be familiar with the diachronic configuration and the synchronous functioning of the Greek languages.
  • 2633: Have basic knowledge and skills in a second language.
  • 16414: Know Greek history and culture.
  • 5400: Know the Greek language and its literature.
  • 5401: Know the Latin language and its literature.
  • 4372: Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in the native languages.
  • 16410: Apply quality criteria in philological work.
  • 16409: Adapt to different work environments in the field of language studies.