• Degree Programmes Offered
  • CE1: Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in the native languages.
  • CE2: Have basic knowledge and skills in a second language.
  • CE3: Know the Greek language and its literature.
  • CE4: Know the Latin language and its literature.
  • CE5: Have knowledge of textual criticism and text editing.
  • CE6: Gain the ability to communicate and teach the knowledge acquired.
  • CE7: Acquire the ability to carry out comparative analyses of literary texts.
  • CE8: Acquire the ability to read, understand and disseminate the scientific production of the languages studied.
  • CE9: Acquire the ability to interrelate the different aspects of philology.
  • CE10: Be familiar with the diachronic configuration and the synchronous functioning of the Latin language.
  • CE11: Develop skills to undertake further specialisation or research studies.
  • CE12: Develop skills to cooperate with other professionals.
  • CE13: Become aware of the ethical component and deontological principles of professional practice.
  • CE14: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in Spanish.
  • CE15: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in Catalan.
  • CE16: Know the grammar and develop communicative competences in (a) foreign language(s).
  • CE17: Get to know the fundamentals of the Latin language and classical culture through its texts.
  • CE18: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of linguistics.
  • CE19: Know and apply the currents and methodologies of literary theory and criticism.
  • CE20: Interrelate different areas of humanistic studies.
  • CE21: Have and apply general knowledge in humanistic areas related to this field of study.
  • CE22: Compare and analyse the constituents of one's own language with those of other languages.
  • CE23: Know Greek history and culture.
  • CE24: Be familiar with the diachronic configuration and the synchronous functioning of the Greek languages.
  • CE25: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the linguistic techniques and methods applied to the Greek language.
  • CE26: Acquire the ability to locate, synthesise and manage bibliographic information and computer tools in the area of study of classical philology.
  • CE27: Know the techniques of analysis of literary texts and their application.
  • CE28: Know the techniques of analysis of non-literary texts and their application.
  • CE29: Develop the ability to translate and interpret Greek texts of various types.
  • CE30: Develop the capacity for critical comprehension of Greek and Latin texts at their different linguistic, literary, philological, historical, social and cultural levels.
  • CE31: Know the different authors, genres and periods of literary production in Greek.
  • CE32: Acquire the ability to interrelate the knowledge of classical philology with that of other areas of knowledge.
  • CE33: Acquire the ability to identify research issues and themes and to evaluate their relevance in the area of study of classical philology
  • CE34: Acquire knowledge of the different processes of the text industry.
  • CE35: Be able to detect needs and situations that require the professional's intervention and to identify useful resources that allow this intervention to be carried out.
  • CE36: Know Latin history and culture.
  • CE37: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the linguistic techniques and methods applied to the Latin language.
  • CE38: Know the different authors, genres and periods of literary production in Latin.
  • CE39: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and methods of literary criticism applied to Greek languages.
  • CE40: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge of the techniques and methods of literary criticism applied to Latin.
  • CE41: Develop the ability to translate and interpret Latin texts of various types.