• Degree Programmes Offered
  • CE1: Show critical awareness of the relationship between current events and processes and the past.
  • CE2: Have critical knowledge of the different historiographic perspectives in the different periods and contexts.
  • CE3: Show awareness of and respect for views deriving from other cultural or national backgrounds.
  • CE4: Be aware of the ongoing nature of historical debate and research.
  • CE5: Know the general diachronic framework of the past.
  • CE6: Have detailed knowledge of one or more specific periods of humanity's past.
  • CE7: Be able to communicate and argue orally and in writing in one's own language using the terminology and techniques of the profession.
  • CE8: Be able to transcribe, summarise and catalogue information appropriately.
  • CE9: Be able to read historiographic texts or original documents in another language.
  • CE10: Be able to use information-gathering tools such as bibliographic catalogues, archival inventories and electronic references.
  • CE11: Be able to manage computer and Internet resources and techniques (statistical methods, databases, etc.) when producing historical or history-related data.
  • CE12: Know ancient languages.
  • CE13: Know local history.
  • CE14: Know national history.
  • CE15: Know European history.
  • CE16: Know universal or world history.
  • CE17: Know and be able to use methods and techniques from other social and human sciences.
  • CE18: Be familiar with the methods and issues of the different branches of historical research: economic, social, political, cultural, gender-related, etc.
  • CE19: Know the specific techniques needed to study documents from specific periods (e.g., paleography or epigraphy).
  • CE20: Be able to identify and appropriately use sources of information for historical research.
  • CE21: Be able to give narrative form to research results according to the critical canons of the discipline.
  • CE22: Be able to comment, annotate or edit texts and documents correctly according to the critical canons of the discipline.
  • CE23: Be able to read, analyse and interpret archaeological records.
  • CE24: Be aware of the methods and issues of the different branches of historical research: economic, social, political, cultural, gender-related, etc.
  • CE25: Be aware of the different historiographic perspectives in the different periods and contexts.
  • CE26: Be aware of the themes and issues of present-day historiographical debate.
  • CE27: Capacidad de leer textos historiográficos o documentos originales en la propia lengua.
  • CE28: Conocimiento de y habilidad para usar los instrumentos de recopilación de información, tales como catálogos bibliográficos, instrumentos de archivo y referencias electrónicas.
  • CE29: Conocimiento de y habilidad para usar las técnicas específicas necesarias para estudiar documentos de determinados períodos.
  • CE30: Habilidad para la utilización de catálogos bibliográficos y otros recursos para la obtención de información histórica.
  • CE31: Capacidad de identificar y utilizar apropiadamente fuentes de información para la investigación histórica.
  • CE32: Desarrollar un espíritu analítico y crítico para conocer la obra de arte, interpretar el lenguaje de sus formas, apreciar sus valores estéticos, identificar sus componentes físicos y técnicos, y extraer de ella informaciones sobre la cultura que la ha generado.
  • CE33: Conocimiento de los diferentes lenguajes artísticos en su componente formal, técnico y cultural, a lo largo del tiempo y en diferentes espacios, para mostrar las condiciones que inciden en el resultado final de la obra y su recepción
  • CE34: Comprensión de los conceptos básicos de la teoría de la Historia del arte.
  • CE35: Interpretación de plantas y alzados de edificios.
  • CE36: Interpretación de las obras artísticas a partir del análisis iconográfico.
  • CE37: Be able to design a teaching project for secondary education.
  • CE38: Be able to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to teaching in secondary education.
  • CE39: Be able to apply knowledge to practice.
  • CE40: Know about regional geographical spaces.
  • CE41: Have knowledge of human, economic and social geography.
  • CE42: Have knowledge of physical geography and the environment.
  • CE43: Have knowledge of spatial planning.
  • CE44: Know how to organise, synthesise and use geographic information as a tool for knowing and interpreting the territory.
  • CE45: Know how to combine the time and space dimensions for explaining socioterritorial processes.
  • CE46: Interrelate the physical and environmental settings with the social and human sphere.
  • CE47: Interrelate phenomena at different territorial scales.
  • CE48: Explain the diversity of places, regions and locations.
  • CE49: Understand spatial relations.