• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 15221: Students must have acquired knowledge and understanding in a specific field of study, on the basis of general secondary education and at a level that includes mainly knowledge drawn from advanced textbooks, but also some cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.
  • 15222: Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have acquired the competences required for the preparation and defence of arguments and for problem solving in their field of study.
  • 15223: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study) to make judgements that take relevant social, scientific or ethical issues into consideration.
  • 15224: Students must be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both expert and lay audiences.
  • 15225: Students must have developed the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
  • 13740: Capacity to write analytical reports and summaries with regard to management and organisation of information.
  • 13741: Demonstrate organisational and planning skills.
  • 13742: Have oral and written communication skills in one's own language.
  • 13743: Know a foreign language.
  • 13744: Have computer skills related to the field of study.
  • 13745: Have skills for information management.
  • 13746: Have problem-solving skills.
  • 13747: Have decision-making capacity.
  • 13748: Be able to work in a team and to integrate into multidisciplinary teams.
  • 13950: Acknowledge diversity and multiculturalism.
  • 13951: Show skills for interpersonal relations.
  • 13952: Be able to apply critical reasoning to the analysis and assessment of alternatives.
  • 13953: Show ethical commitment in the relationships with users and in information handling.
  • 13954: Be able to learn independently.
  • 13955: Be able to adapt to changes in the environment.
  • 13956: Show management and leadership skills.
  • 13957: Be able to undertake improvements and propose innovations.
  • 13958: Show creativity.
  • 13959: Know other cultures and customs.
  • 13960: Show motivation for quality.