• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 16504: Students must be able to design both formal and aesthetic aspects in written, graphic, audiovisual and digital media, as well as the use of computer techniques for the representation of facts and data through infographic systems.
  • 16253: Students should be able to recover, organize, analyse and process information and communication with the purpose of private or collective uses through various media and supports or in the creation of productions of any kind.
  • 16307: Students must be able to search, select, contextualise and order any type of source or document (written, audio, visual etc.) useful for the elaboration and processing of information, as well as for persuasive communicative or fictional and entertainment uses.
  • 16308: Students must be able to communicate in their own language through traditional forms of media (the press, photography, radio, television), through new combined forms (multimedia), through new digital forms (the internet), or through hypertextuality.
  • 16309: Students must be able to reasonably propose ideas from the basics of rhetoric, as well as to communicate through the techniques of persuasion.
  • 16310: Students must be able to use the communicative and informative technologies and techniques in different medias and combined/interactive systems (multimedia).
  • 16311: Students must be able to perform the main journalistic tasks, develop them within thematic areas, and apply them to journalistic procedures.
  • 16312: Students must be able to conceive, plan and execute informative and creative projects in different environments (mass media, digital environments, communication offices, etc.).
  • 16313: Students must have an understanding of the data and mathematical operations performed, with some of them commonly used in the media. Students must know how to use data and statistics in a correct and understandable way for global dissemination.
  • 16844: Students should be able to work as a team, communicate their own ideas and integrate themselves into group projects aimed at achieving results.
  • 16845: Que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad y la creatividad necesarias para asumir riesgos expresivos y temáticos en el marco de las disponibilidades y plazos de la producción comunicativa, aplicando soluciones y puntos de vista fundados en el desarrollo de los ?proyectos.
  • 16846: Students should be able to adapt to technological and socio-occupational changes.
  • 16847: Students should be able to obtain and select relevant information and sources in order to solve problems and elaborate on strategies.
  • 16848: Students should possess the ability to organise and plan their tasks, performing them in an orderly manner and prioritising the journalistic processes in a logical manner.
  • 16849: Students should show solidarity with people across the planet, as well as knowledge of the main cultural currents in relation to individual and collective values and respect for human life.
  • 16850: Students should be able to express themselves fluently and effectively in their own languages, as well as in a third language (preferably English), taking advantage of the linguistic and literary resources that are most appropriate for the different forms of media.
  • 16851: Students should be able to search for, select, read, interpret and analyse both written and audiovisual texts and documents (analytically, synthetically and critically).
  • 16852: Students should have initiative, creativity, credibility, honesty, leadership spirit and responsibility, both personally and professionally.
  • 16853: Students should have an understanding of own and other social, historical, economic and cultural aspects within their relevant contexts.
  • 16054: Students should be able to experiment and innovate through the understanding and use of the applied methods and technologies.
  • 16092: Students should be able to defend a culture of peace and respect for the fundamental human rights within the processes of communication, specifically in regards to equality between women and men in all types of communication (informative, interpretative, semiotic, dialogic and opinion).
  • 15221: Students must have acquired knowledge and understanding in a specific field of study, on the basis of general secondary education and at a level that includes mainly knowledge drawn from advanced textbooks, but also some cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.
  • 15222: Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have acquired the competences required for the preparation and defence of arguments and for problem solving in their field of study.
  • 15223: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study) to make judgements that take relevant social, scientific or ethical issues into consideration.
  • 15224: Students must be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both expert and lay audiences.