• Degree Programmes Offered

Calender for implementation and phasing out

The updated curriculum for the undergraduate degree in Modern Languages and Literature will take effect in the 2010-2011 academic year and will gradually be introduced. According to Article 11.3 of the Royal Decree 1497/1987, of 27 November, the curriculum leading to an official 5-year degree in German Philology, French Philology and Italian Philology (2nd cycle) at the University of Valencia will be phased out. Four exam attempts (according to  the University of Valencia Statutes) will be maintained for students who are studying the 5-year degree programme and tutorials and guidance will be provided. To shorten the process, the 1st and 2nd years will be introduced in 2010-2011, the 3rd year in 2010-2011 and the 4th year in 2012-2013.