Knowledge branch: ARTS AND HUMANITIES
Undergraduate degree website:
Credits: 240
Basic training: 60
Compulsory: 144
Elective: 30
Work Placement/Internship: 0
Final Project: 6
Degree code: 1012
Classes: Presencial
Years: 4
Price of credit for non-resident foreign students 19.19€
Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]: 12.79€
Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: ------
Languages used in class: ------
Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS part time/ 36 ECTS full time
Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Mª Elena Cantarino Suñer
Degree Coordinator: Vicente Raga Rosaleny
Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Óscar Cubo Ugarte
International Coordinator: Vicente Raga Rosaleny
The Degree in Philosophy’s curriculum aims to produce professionals who understand the most important concepts, theories and working methods in the area of philosophy at a degree level of knowledge, and make them aware of how to apply this knowledge to various areas of life, how to build on what they have already learnt through research and analysis of new issues, and how to transmit and distribute these ideas at all levels.
The Degree in Philosophy includes multi-disciplinarian subject areas, which include both theoretical and practical philosophical content, and subject areas with an instrumental character, which help students to carry out tasks in an informed, analytical and critical way. At the same time, they give students the chance to improve their knowledge of a classical or a modern language, both of which can be reapplied to philosophy.
This course allows one to work in the teaching, research, communication and culture areas.