• Degree Programmes Offered
  • 15221: Students must have acquired knowledge and understanding in a specific field of study, on the basis of general secondary education and at a level that includes mainly knowledge drawn from advanced textbooks, but also some cutting-edge knowledge in their field of study.
  • 15222: Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and have acquired the competences required for the preparation and defence of arguments and for problem solving in their field of study.
  • 15223: Students must have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their field of study) to make judgements that take relevant social, scientific or ethical issues into consideration.
  • 15224: Students must be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both expert and lay audiences.
  • 15225: Students must have developed the learning skills needed to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.
  • 17326: Be able to relate and structure information from diverse sources and to integrate relevant ideas and knowledge in the field of political science and public administration.
  • 17327: Be able to effectively communicate, both in writing and orally, knowledge, procedures, results and ideas to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • 17328: Have knowledge and ability to understand essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to political science and public administration, and to the spectrum of other reference disciplines.
  • 17329: Be able to use the theories, procedures and tools of political science and public administration in real-life professional practice (specification, design, implementation, deployment and evaluation of solutions).
  • 17330: Develop the learning skills needed to complete further studies or training with some degree of autonomy.
  • 17331: Know the main theories and approaches of political science and public administration, as well as ideas and forms of political organisation.
  • 4525: Know and be able to analyse the structure and functioning of public administrations.
  • 4526: Know and be able to analyse the structure and functioning of political systems and processes, their elements and their historical dimension, with special emphasis on the political systems in Spain and in the European Union.
  • 17332: Know and be able to analyse the characteristics and guidelines for action of the main political actors (parties, trade unions, interest groups and new social movements).
  • 17524: Know and be able to analyse electoral processes, both from an institutional point of view and from the point of view of the behaviour of collective and individual actors.
  • 17572: Know and be able to analyse administrative and financial planning, management and assessment in public services, and be able to design strategies for organisational improvement and quality assurance.
  • 17573: Know and be able to analyse the design, planning, management and evaluation of public policies.
  • 4527: Know and know how to analyse the patterns and trends in the behaviour of collective political actors and citizens, their democratic values and fundamental rights.
  • 17574: Know and know how to analyse the economic environment, the economic dimension of the public sector and the techniques of economic management of projects.
  • 17575: Know how to design and analyse political strategies and campaigns and to convey political messages and information and issues of public debate.
  • 19157: Know and to know how to use the methods and techniques of quantitative and qualitative analysis, as well as the comparative method, to produce, compile, analyse and interpret qualitative and quantitative data, as well as the techniques of organisational management in public administration and of public income and expenditure.
  • 17576: Be able to analyse scenarios of action in international politics, whether in relation to international organisations, elements of the State or collective political actors.
  • 17577: Know and be able to analyse the policies of equality between men and women, of equal opportunities and of non-discrimination, as well as the policies that promote solidarity, environmental protection and the culture of peace.
  • 17578: Be able to prepare reports and expert opinions simultaneously considering different variables of a political, sociological, legal, economic, demographic and gender nature.
  • 17579: Know and be able to interpret historical political and social frameworks so as to have a better understanding of current reality and future prospects; be able to manage historical documentary sources and to conduct comparative analyses of continuity and discontinuity in situations of change.