«Adéu, RTVV. Crònica de penúltim fracàs de la societat valenciana»

Book launch


Book launch.


Vicent Climent, book editor

Xelo Miralles, member of the board of directors of RTVV

Salut Alcover, director of the Workers Committee

Julià Àlvaro, author and deputy director of the Plataforma Mil de Nou

Some parts of the following shows will be represented during the event:

“De mà en mà”, by Borja Penalba and Francesc Anyó, “Dones i dons”, by Borja Penalba and Tomàs de los Santos. Xavi Castillo will also perform.

Amàlia Garrigós, journalist and author, will be the presenter.

At a time when the dismantling of public services is seen as the solution to all economic problems, the dismantling of RTVV has become a symbol. “Adéu, RTVV” reveals the strategy to plunder the Valencian public service broadcasting institution. A compilation of heartfelt and committed articles, written during the designing and execution of the Labour Force Adjustment Plan, which raise many questions and offer some answers


Date 18 september 2013 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Principal Peset Hall of Residence • Plaça del Forn de Sant Nicolau, 4 • Valencia

Organized by

Publicacions de la Universitat de València.


Contact marqueting@uv.es