¿Hay alguien? La búsqueda de la ciencia por encontrar vida extraterrestre

Conference ¿Hay alguien? La búsqueda de la ciencia por encontrar vida extraterrestre (Is there anyone out there? Science's quest to find extraterrestrial life) of the programme Universitat i Societat of Benetússer, by the professor José Cantó Doménech.

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Society continues the cycle of conferences of the Universitat i Societat of Benetússer. Open to all public.

This cycle aims to complement the training offer of Unisocietat.

The Universitat i Societat (University and Society) programme arose out of the commitment of Benetúser City Council, with the collaboration of the Universitat de València, to lifelong learning. It is aimed at people aged 30 or over, living in the municipality and/or in the region, who have an interest in learning and motivation for culture.   


Date 5 february 2020 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Salón de Actos del Ayuntamiento de Benetússer

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Projecció Territorial i Societat en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Benetússer, Caixa Popular y la Diputación de Valencia..



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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