Science and food

Salvador Garrigues Mateo‘s Conference of the programme UNIVERSITAT I SOCIETAT of Requena

The Office of the Vice-principal for Territorial Projection and Society continues the series of conference of UNIVERSITAT I SOCIETAT of Requena. It is opened for the general public.

This series aim to complement the educational offer of UNISOCIETAT.

The programme UNIVERSITAT I SOCIETAT is a formative initiative of the City Council of Paterna, which is supported by the Universitat de València. It is intended for 30-year-old residents in Paterna and the Horta Oest district who have motivation and are curious for culture.


Date 24 january 2019 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Espacio Cultural Feliciano Antonio Yeves de Requena.

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Projecció Territorial i Societat en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Requena.



Contact unitatsuport@uv.es

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