XX Premi Vicent Ventura. Lliurament del premi a Josep L. Pitarch i l’escola infantil La Lluna. Centre Cultural La Nau
20th edition Vicent Ventura Awards

La Lluna’ and Josep Lluís Pitarch

Professor Josep L. Pitarch and the nursery school ‘La Lluna’ are the winners of the XX Vicent Ventura Prize, which started being celebrated in the Universitat de València in 1998 to honour the memory of the journalist, politician, and civic fighter, who died that year.

Free access until seating capacity.


Date 7 may 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Universitat de València.


Contact cultura@uv.es

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