35 Anys d'Ensenyament del Valencià. Trobada de Professors. (35 years Teaching Valencian Language) After 35 years since the incorporation of Valencian language in our education system, we held a meeting of teachers to be a space for critical and coexistence reflection.


During the academic year 1978-1979 the experimental teaching plan in Valencian language was launched, into which around a hundred of centres of the former Spanish curriculum in force, EGB and BUP joined. The plan arose in the context of the Spanish Transition to democracy, before the creation of the autonomous regional governments and within the conflict of names and identities that we are still bearing. Later, in January 1983, already under the protection of the Statute of Autonomy, Valencian was implemented as a core subject within the educational system. And in November of the same year the Law on Use and Teaching of Valencian was enacted. The reminder of these goals is relevant for teachers who, along these thirty-five years, have practised at some moment Catalan teaching in any educational level. And this is the pretext, in the best sense of the word, to meet, to celebrate the work done and to reflect a little on the advances and setbacks that we have found during the path. It is about, rather than making and overall evaluation, to converge on a cordial meeting point and at the same time proactive. The reflection we propose is only a beginning, since the list of topics to be discussed is quite extensive. From the political, technological, cultural and sociolinguistic changes to the professional consolidation of the teachers collective who develop the teaching of language and literature, from primary education to university. From the evolution of teaching methods to the sociocultural ruptures and political threats to the physical and symbolic space of the Catalan language.

The last few months, political and cultural institutions and civic bodies have celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the LUEV. But any commemoration should not supplant or replace the point of view of teachers, as direct actor in the process of change initiated in 1979. Trying to avoid the rhetorical proclamations and closed unionism, and attributing only our part of historic responsibility, Valencian teachers should strengthen the bonds that unite us as a group, in addition to pool professional resources and the human capital that we have established. And we should make ourselves more visible to our society and communicate it, with imagination and critical sense, what we have done for over thirty decades, what we do every day and all we want to do yet.


9'45 Round table I: The vehicular language used in schools: from the classroom to the playground; from the screens to the street.

11'00 Round table II: Teaching Language and Literature with an integrated perspective.

12'15 Break

12'40 Vicent Pascual: Teaching of Valencian language: evaluation and horizon.

14, 15 Lunch (Place and price to be determined)

See the full lecture programme at: http://www.uv.es/filocat

A certificate of attendance issued by the Inter-university Institute of Valencian Language Studies will be given to teachers confirming registration in the lecture.


Date 12 april 2014 at 09:45 to 17:00. Saturday.


Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and  Communication

Organized by

University of Valencia.


Contact dep.filologia.catalana@uv.es

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