The Faculty of Law and the Chair for Valencian Regional Law organises the 3rd Conferences on Autonomy, Statutory Development and Valencian Regional Law


As in previous years, the Faculty of Law and the Chair for Valencian Regional Law organises the 3rd Conferences on Autonomy, Statutory Development and Valencian Regional Law. The Conferences that will take place on 29 September and 1 October are structured around four sessions, which deal with topical issues on the Valencian self-government and autonomous and national policy. On Monday 29, after the opening will be held the first of these sessions which celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Ley de Símbolos (The Law of Symbols). The first lecture is taught by the Full University Professor of Sociology and Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the University of Valencia, Antonio Ariño, who will talk about the value of symbols and images in modern societies. Later, Vicent Franch, Senior Professor of Constitutional Law will explain the origins of the Law 8/1984, 4 December, of the Valencian Government, which regulates the symbols of the Valencian Community and its use. He took a leading part in the drafting of the Law. Finally, a round table with members of the Valencian parliament will try to reach a consensus on the Valencian imaginary and symbols, and even they will make proposals for a revision of the Law. In the afternoon, the second session will take place, entitled, “La alternativa federal” (The federal alternative). This will reflect on the territorial structure of our country and its future, a topic that began to be discussed the last year and that continues this year with the proposals for the federalisation of the State. The session will start with a round table where will participate some of the top journalists specialised in political events of the Valencian Community; later, a lecture by the Full University Professor on Human Geography of the University of Valencia, Joan Romero, entitled, ‘Estado y naciones en la España del siglo XXI’ (State and nations in the 21th century Spain) will highlight the territorial difficulties that the current Spain has and also it will raise alternatives and proposals for overcoming the current crisis. The third session will be held on Wednesday 1 October and it will deal with the future paths of statutory development. The first of the lectures scheduled, by Manuel Moreno, of the Department of Governance and Law, will deal with a general issue, such as the economic crisis and the restriction of the autonomous powers by the action of the Central State; the second lecture deals with a specific and current issue: the regulation of the religious factor in the Valencian Community (by the Full University Professor in State Canon Law and Dea of the Faculty of Law, María Elena Olmos). This session will close with a round table about the possibilities and limits of the statutory development and the Valencian self-government, in which participate some of the main agents of the legislative activity in our Community. Finally, the fourth and last session in the afternoon explores the Valencian Civil Regional Law and will deal with the most of its recent regulations, the Valencian law of contracts and other agrarian relations. In this case, the lecture will correspond to Luis Higuera, lawyer and member of the Comisión de Codificación Civil Valenciana (Valencian Civil Codification Committee), who participate it actively in its drafting; the later round table is open to the main agents of the agricultural market (crop farmers, marketers, cooperatives, etc.), before the conclusion of the Conferences.

  • 29 september 2014 at 09:30 to 20:00. Monday.
  • 1 october 2014 at 10:00 to 19:00. Wednesday.

Faculty of Law-Salón de Grados

Organized by

Chair for Valencian Regional Law of the University of Valencia.



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