Session on 2 December in Enguera


At the 80th anniversary of the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, new studies and new initiatives arise in order to know better our recent past, educate in values of peace and tolerance, repair those who suffered, know our cultural territorial wealth and value our heritage; in conclusion, to elaborate a democratic memory. Despite some commemorative projects have already been carried out in the Valencian territory (exhibitions, tributes, sessions, publications, rehabilitation of spaces, guided visits...), there is yet a lot of work to be done. As happens in other democratic countries, in which this kind of projects are abundant, a narrative, a normalisation and some activities that emphasise the importance of the Valencian democracy are important.


Date 2 december 2016 at 18:00 to 20:30. Friday.


Casa de la cultura de Enguera. Plaza Manuel Tolsá, s/n (Enguera)

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Participation and Territorial Projection.



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