Cloister of La Nau Cultural Centre
AlumniUV guided visits to La Nau

Guided visit to the La Nau Cultural Centre of the Universitat de València (1 hour approx.).

This activity is promoted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the Universitat de València. Through the UV Cultural Volunteering programme it brings the university community and the general public closer to different university spaces, placing value on the prized heritage of the academic institution.

The La Nau Cultural Centre is the oldest and most emblematic building of the Universitat de València and was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest in 1981. This historic structure, namely its façade and courtyard, is an example of Valencian neoclassical architecture. Among the spaces that the participants will visit are the classical cloister with the bronze statue of humanist Joan Lluís Vives, the Paraninfo Assembly Hall, the Aula Magna, the Capilla de la Sapiencia and the Library, which preserves manuscripts, incunabulum and prints published between the 16th and 20th centuries.

Free prior registration required.


Date From 9 december 2023 to 13 december 2023. 24h. Every day.

  • 14 december 2023 at 17:00 to 18:00. Thursday.

La Nau Cultural Centre, c/ de la Universitat, 2

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