Free theatre in Benimaclet


The Free Theatre in Benimaclet, directed by Anna Gascón and Lucia Arce, is formed by people interested on reflecting and experimenting through theatrical techniques on the reality in which we live in and its transformation.

The last work is an original piece, as every piece made in that theatre. The “Assemblywomen” is the result of the Worksop in theatre of the oppressed carried out during the 2014-2015 academic year. The workshop worked from the piece of Aristophanes, “The Assemblywomen”. From the original text there has been a reflective and experimental work on the current social reality that generated texts and built a final result that has been very satisfactory. In the piece there are references to the Ley Mordaza (Gag Rule), to the evictions, to the gender-based and police violence, to the lack of jobs, which help us to rethink of the world we live in.


Date 1 december 2015 at 18:00 to 20:00. Tuesday.


Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Organized by

Faculty of Social Sciences.



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