In the current academic year 16-17 has been set out, as a pilot, the new evaluation model for the assessment of teaching staff’s activity, developed in the framework of DOCENTIA programme. In order to explain in what will result this new system, which has recently been verified by the Valencian Agency for Prospective Assessment (AVAP) and the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of Spain (ANECA), show the software that will manage it and resolve any doubts, some briefings have been organised in the different campuses. The first one will take place in the Tarongers Campus.

Throughout this first year, it is intended to analyse the functioning of all the instruments planned in the model, so the participation in the programme is voluntary and the planned consequences will not be applied for the moment. As the evaluation is timed to coincide with the five-year period request, the teaching staff who asked for it during December or those who had requested it five years ago are encouraged to participate this year. Also, as this pilot experience aims to validate the adequacy of this model for every type of teaching staff, the active associate professors who have taught for 5 or more academic years and the assistant professors who have worked for 3 or more years are also invited to participate.


Date 20 january 2017 at 12:00 to 13:30. Friday.


Room N-304, Aulario Norte

Organized by

Quality Unit.

