Company types and models: advantages and disadvantages

Conference within the programme "Universitat i Societat" taught by Professor Jesús Olavarría at the Town's Auditorium


The Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation continues the conference series of the “Universitat i Societat” of Cullera. This conference will be carried out on 3 June, at 19:00, at the Cultural Centre of the town. Open to all the public. This series seeks to complement the training offer “Unisocietat”, whose first course started on the 15 October. “Formas o tipos de Empresas: Ventajas e inconvenientes” (Company types and models: advantages and disadvantages), will be taught by professor Jesús Olavarría. The programme “Universitat i Societat" was created by the proposal of Cullera’s City Council, with the support of the UV, for a lifelong training. It is addressed to 30-year-old people and over, resident in the locality and in the region of Ribera Baixa, who eager to learn and who have a motivation for culture.


Date 3 june 2015 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Auditorio Municipal de Cullera

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Participació i Projecció Territorial en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Cullera..



Contact vicerec.participacio.projeccio@uv.es / unitatsuport@uv.es / educacio@cullera.es / cord@cullera.es

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