Information sessions to present the call of the European Satellite Navigation Competition.


The Val Space Consortium and the Valencian Scientific Parks, together with the organiser of the ESNC 2016, offer information sessions to present the call of the European Satellite Navigation Competition to professors and students. The competition started the 1 April and the next 3 May at 13:00 will take place an Info-Day at the conference room (salón de grados) of the ETSE-UV.

The European Satellite Navigation Competition – ESNC is an international competition of innovation that recognises and awards the best ideas for the development of satellite navigation applications. Each year it looks for the best services, products and innovations using satellite navigation in everyday life. Since 2004, the ESNC, that started with only three associated regions, has grown until becoming an enormous global network of innovation and knowledge with 25 associated regions and more than 200 industrials experts and scientists from all over the world.

All together, the ESNC 2016 will give awards valued at one million euros approximately. The state of development of the project, service or business idea it is no important. In fact, some of the awards are focused on favouring the development of the initial idea to turn it into a reality. Awards include cash money, business incubator, training fore entrepreneurs, patents consultancy, support for the conduction of market surveys, technological support, support for the commercialisation and access to experts and public financing among others.

In the 2014 edition the winners were two students of the ETSE-UV with the project PLAZALO. This year it could be your idea. Come and participate in the European Satellite Navigation Competition.


Date 3 may 2016 at 13:00 to 14:00. Tuesday.


Salón de Grados

Organized by

Consorcio Espacial Valenciano

Parques Científicos Valencianos

ESNC 2016.

