The faces of time

València Thinks Global. We imagine the future

Las caras del tiempo (The faces of time)

Ricardo Martín, photojournalist


Full university professor of Contemporary History UV Justo Serna

Editor, manager and cultural journalist for José Ramón Alarcón

Hosted by:

Head of the University Culture Service UV Adela Cortijo

In Las caras del tiempo, photojournalist Ricardo Martín will converse with full university professor of Contemporary History UV Justo Serna and with editor, manager and cultural journalist for José Ramón Alarcón, about the homonymous exhibition that can be visited at the Estudi General Room of La Nau Cultural Centre, until March 21st. The exhibition features a gallery of portraits made by the photojournalist, in black & white as well as in colour, depicting writers, politicians, artists, actresses, philosophers and musicians who, among others, have been key figures of our recent history. In our new VALÈNCIA THINKS GLOBAL session, the privileged testimony of the cultural, intellectual and political Spanish life throughout almost five decades Ricardo Martín will explore, along with Serna and Alarcón, the journey made from the Democratic transition to present times through the faces of some of its protagonists, immortalised by the photographer in different occasions between 1971 and 2020.

Online conversation: YouTube channel of La Nau Cultural Centre


Date 4 march 2021 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Online conference

Organized by

Nau Digital-Observatori Cultural, Fundació General de la Universitat de València. Institució Alfons el Magnànim.

