Course given by Ramón Alfonso. La Nau Cultural Centre
Course on Film Language and Analysis
Taught by the writer, critic and film historian Ramón Alfonso, the goal of this course is to guide students in the observation and analysis of different aspects and mechanisms relevant to the film image, in order to specify part of the knowledge necessary to know how to interpret and consider the dimensions of a film and to adjust a critical viewpoint.
DAYS: Tuesday
SCHEDULE: From 17 to 20 hours
MODALITY: Face-to-face
General public 70 €
Members of the Universitat de València 60 €
Date From 9 february 2022 to 22 february 2022. 24h. Every day.
Centre Cultural La Nau (Universitat 2, València). Aula Seminari A
Universitat de València
Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport
Fundació General de la Universitat de València
Aula de Cinema UV.
Contact auladecinema@uv.es