Photo of performing dancers and the Lluís Vich Vocalis group
Lluís Vich Vocalis and Dance Group level 1 - Trobes 550

Dance and concert. La Nau Cultural Centre.


Trobes 550

18:30 - DANCE 


Performing Arts Club. Dance Group level 1

Antonio Aparisi Sevilla, professor/director

19:00 - CONCERT

“Paranymphus salutat Virginem”

Lluís Vich Vocalis

Dedicated to the 550th Anniversary of the publication of Trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria (Valencia, 1474)  

The dance group presents a brief but intense artistic and coreographic performance consecrated to the 550th anniversary of the publication of Trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria (Valencia, 1474) and its impact as a vehicle for knowledge and culture. The primeval image of a book is always a blank page...

Lluís Vich Vocalis is a male vocal group dedicated to the interpretation of medieval, Renaissance and early-Baroque vocal music. They present us a concert with religious and profane works of the period surrounding the publication of Encuentras en lahors de la Virgen Maria, linked in some way to the Virgin Mary, the courts and even the universitary world. This programme reflects the social environment of a period where everything was intermingled, cultural and academic life were impregnated with religion and the division between religious and profane music was vague.

Free entry with invite to be booked from 13 May at 19.00 at

Programme [+]



Date 16 may 2024 at 18:30 to 20:00. Thursday.


The Sapiencia Chapel. La Nau Cultural Centre

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Music Club, University Culture Service, UV

With the collaboration of: Performing Arts Club, University Culture Service, UV.

