Conference in the Municipal Auditorium of Genovés.


Local Agenda 21 was approved in Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit of 1992, and it can be defined as a plan of action at the local level aimed at achieving sustainable development in the economic, social and environmental fields. Despite its non-binding nature, it urges the different powers to implement policies coordinated with local governments.

Successive documents are evidence of the will to promote sustainable development in our cities and villages through citizens’ participation and the involvement of economic and social sectors.

The conference organised by the Genovés City Council and the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation of the University of Valencia, in collaboration with IMELSA, aims to analyse the experiences of Agenda 21 in the Valencia region.


Date 2 october 2014 at 09:45 to 14:00. Thursday.


Auditorio Municipal, c/ Màrtirs, 2, Genovés

Organized by

Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation of the University of Valencia and Genovés City Council in collaboration with IMELSA.



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