Conference of the cycle “Current Affairs in Sciences. 2015-2016 Academic Year” Dr Berta Rubio Barroso (Research Professor of the CSIC, IFIC-UV)


Conference of the cycle “Current Affairs in Sciences. 2015-2016 Academic Year”

Dr Berta Rubio Barroso

(Research Professor of the CSIC, IFIC-UV)

In the atomic nucleus is concentrated the 99 per cent of the matter we know. This matter is enormously concentrated in a tiny space due to the nuclear force or “strong force”. The energy stored in the atomic nucleus is released in part in the nuclear reactions or nuclear disintegrations, which are the cause, for example, of the Sun heating, or the cause that in the Earth there are the chemical elements we know. By understanding the nuclear processes, we can have a better understanding of the world we live in.


Date 15 december 2015 at 18:00 to 20:00. Tuesday.


Sala Charles Darwin, Aulari Interfacultatiu (Burjassot Campus). Burjassot-Paterna Campus

Organized by

University Extension Courses.

