MOTIVEMFest poster
Participate in the MOTIVEMFest to represent the UV

The Universitat de València invites you to participate in MOTIVEMFest, a talent festival to defend your MOTIVEM idea in a pitch competition


MOTIVEMFest is a programme sponsored by the Department of Innovation, Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Valencian Government. The event will take place on 28 June and 1 July at the Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry. Here you will learn how to pitch like a professional and compete with your MOTIVEM idea to win the only place to represent the Universitat de València in the AE3i interuniversity competition, in which the best teams of the Valencian Community public universities will also participate. 

The competition is addressed to undergraduate degree, master's degree or doctorate students who have participated in the MOTIVEM programme during the 2023-2024 academic year. Registration is open until 26 June 2024. 

The winning idea must receive the highest number of points from both the public and the jury (60% and 40% respectively). Therefore, in this competition your idea is as important as your social skills to become the most voted project.  

Fill in this form to register for the competition.

Defend your idea and represent the UV! 


Date From 6 june 2024 to 26 june 2024. 24h. Every day.


Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry

Calle de Menéndez y Pelayo, 19

Valencia (46010)

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