Fòrum de Debats
Performances of the theatre Max Aub


Performances of the theatre Max Aub

With the intervention of

Paco Alberola

Director of the act “The Spanish theater brought out in the light of the darkness of our time”

Jesús Cracio

Director of “I have so many personalities that when I say I love you I do not know if it is true”

José Ramón Fernández

Autor de la versión escénica de ”El laberinto mágico”

Ignacio García

Director of "Some time until now"

Juan Carlos Pérez de la Fuente

Director of “San Juan”.

Presented and moderated by:

Manuel Aznar Soler

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Director of El Correo de Euclides, scientific annual directory of the Max Aub Foundation

Free admission, limited seats


Date 18 october 2017 at 19:00 to 21:00. Wednesday.


Aula Magna (Universitat, 2)

Organized by

Fòrum de Debats. Aula de Teatre de la Universitat de València.


Contact cultura@uv.es