Invitation to the presentation
Presentation of the book

The presentation of the book “El cost humà de la respressió al País Valencià, 1936-1956” (The human cost of repression in the Valencian Country, 1936-1956) will take place on the 30th of May, as part of the celebration of the first edition of the Gandia Book Square. The author of the book, Vicent Gabarda, and Eladi Mainar, Doctor in History by Universitat de València, will take part in the presentation.

1936-1956. Twenty years and thousands of victims whose disappearance caused pain in their families, who continued to suffer the consequences of the repression for years; a repression of people who were accused of thinking differently from their executioners, of believing differently from their accusers, of defending ideas, a way of life, a way of working, different from that of their opponents. The human cost of repression. The victims of Francoist and Republican repression are added to the deaths caused on the war fronts or by the bombing of the cities in the rear-guard of an uncivil civil war. It does not mean equating two repressions, but we must remember that there were everywhere widows, widowers, orphans, robberies, looting, confiscations, murders, extortions, hot terror, cold terror, uncontrolled actions… and when we use these terms we must bear in mind that, at given moment, they can be applied to either side of the diving line. Another thing is the way Francoism treated some victims and other. Here, there is a barrier that needs to be removed if we want to facilitate a climate of concord.


Date 30 may 2021 at 17:30 to 18:30. Sunday.


Plaza Rey Jaime I. I Plaza del Libro de Gandía

Organized by

Plaza del Libro de Gandía.

