Violencia franquista
Seminar: “The inconvenient past: ¿How do we now handle the topic of Franco’s dictatorship violence?

Franco dictatorship built a complete repression and selective extermination thought before the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and maintained during the forty years of dictatorship. It was a complex enterprise that was imposed with public and vicious terror even though it did not represent complete extermination of political opposition. Along the time of the dictatorship significant changes can be observed both de jure and de facto that make up an initial draft of mass repression system that was gradually abandoned because of reasons, with violence examples that reveal the different levels of this repression system.

Manuel Ortiz Heras is Full university professor in Contemporary History from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and Coordinator of the SEFT, Seminario de Estudios de Franquismo y Transición (Seminar of Studies of Francoism and Spanish Transition to Democracy) of said University. His research career on political violence during Francoism is wide and he currently coordinates a research project about the dictatorship victims in Castilla–La Mancha (


Date 24 october 2018 at 18:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.


Conference room of the Palau de Cerveró, Cisneros Square, 4. 46003, València.

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