Estudiantes de la UV organizan la 1ª edición de TEDxUValència
UV students organise the 1st edition of “TEDxUValència”

The TEDxUValència lecture series CRISIS: Es momento de crecer will take place on October 15th at the Darwin Hall of Burjassot Campus’ Aulari Interfacultatiu. TEDxUValència is a project created by students of the Universitat de València that adapts the format of the famous TED talks in a local and independent manner.


Students from all UV centres organise the first edition of TEDxUValència, with the support of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services by means of Universitat de València’s Entrepreneurship Unit (UVemprén), and of the Student Council Branch.

The conference will gather entrepreneurial speakers from all disciplines who, under the title “CRISIS: es momento de crecer”, will address how to adopt a resilient attitude and find innovative solutions in the current global crisis.

The event’s organisers invite all UV students to attend TEDxUValència: “This is an event created by and for university students. Be it that you are from a Journalism, Law, Biochemistry or Medicine degree... This event is for you! We want to spark a global discussion from our university, but most of all, we want you to be part of it!”

For more information, click here.



Date 15 october 2021 at 10:00 to 19:30. Every day.


Darwin Hall. Burjassot

Organized by


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