Workshop on web applications with ReactJS

Within the framework of activities regularly carried out by the CAPGEMINI-UV Chair for Innovation in Software Development, next 3rd March a workshop on web application development with the ReactJS library will be held.

The two-hour workshop will analyse the evolution of web development and will summarise within the most common programming frameworks and libraries. Thereby, the workshop will focus on making an introduction to the use of the ReactJS library for the development of web applications.

The lecturer of this activity will be Jorge Blom-Dahl, IT Solution Architect of Capgemini with over seven years of experience in the cloud and front-end interface development.

The workshop will take place the 3rd of March, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the 2.2. classroom of the School of Engineering (ETSE) of the Universitat de València. More information in the following link.


Date 3 march 2020 at 12:00 to 14:00. Tuesday.



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