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The programmes of the Cultural Centre La Nau can be divided in three different groups depending on how they are organised:


These activities follow the guidelines and strategies of the Cultural Centre La Nau and the competent Office of the Vice-principal. They can be developed exclusively or in collaborative productions.

The Office of the Vice-principal is the entity responsible of the production, the image, the dissemination and the content of the projects.

The activities are usually part of programmes and specific activity areas. You can check the programmes at the website: www.uv.es/cultura


2.1. Co-production activities

There is an extern entity that asks the Office of the Vice-principal to collaborate in the design of a project. It asks for a considerable amount of resources of the Office of the Vice-principal.

The resources can be economic, technical, manpower or facilities.

They can be developed occasionally or in several occasions, as in the case of festivals.

The Office of the Vice-principal supervises and is involved in all the process. The content and the image must have the approval of the Office of the Vice-principal.

The Office of the Vice-principal is involved in the production and dissemination of these activities as if they were their own. It will include a press release, an information bulletin and the promotion in social networks and the website.

2.2. Collaboration activities

These activities, whose programmes are already planned, are proposed to the Office of the Vice-principal asking for room and technical personnel.

These activities must agree with the university principles, as set out in the Statutes of the Universitat.

In this case, the university becomes a collaborating entity because it provides human and material resources, and disseminates the activity in the website and social media.

These activities must incorporate in their advertisement the logo of the Office of the Vice-principal pointing out its collaborating entity status. The Universitat will supervise all the communications of the activity to check that the Office of the Vice-principal and the Cultural Centre La Nau are appropriately mentioned.

The organising entities must attach a document in advance that explicitly contains their necessities in terms of technical and human resources. They will sign a collaboration agreement if it was required.

These activities will receive receipt pointing out the charge that they would have assumed if they had not been conducted as collaborations/co-productions.

In order to carry out an activity in collaboration with the vice-principal you can send an application form for using university spaces to cultura@uv.es


External activities are managed as rentals. The content of these activities is assessed to evaluate if it is compatible with the principles of the Universitat.

As it is considered as a rental, the fare charged is established by the Regulations on Budget Implementation, which will provide the right for using the room and having the support of maintenance staff.

The Office of the Vice-principal does not participate in the promotion of these activities.