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Excuse me if I talk about the radio. Journaleses in the new radio

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives

“Disculpen que les hable de la radio. Hacia un lenguaje periodístico de la nueva radio.” 
(“Excuse me if I talk about the radio. Journaleses in the new radio.”)

Javier Tolentino
Licensed in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Javier Tolentino works as a cinema critic and he is in charge of a programme in Radio 3 (RNE) called ‘El séptimo vicio’. He is one of the most famous cinema critics of Spain and his programme has received many awards since its creation in 1999.

Free enrolment with registration. Limited capacity

Seminari de Javier Tolentino. La Nau (Matrícula gratuïta)