Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Economics Logo del portal

Degree in: ADE, Economics, Finance and Accountancy, International Business, Tourism and Double degree in Tourism + Business Management and Administration

Opening Hours:

Coordinator of work placements: Paz Rico
Email secretary: practicaseconomia@uv.es

Degree in: ADE, Economics, Finance and Accountancy, International Business, Tourism and Double degree in Tourism + Business Management and Administration

1.- Planned calendar for work placements 2022-2023
2.- Work Placements Guide and report
3.- UVjob Course
4.- Briefings
5.- Work Placements modality
6.- List of tutors
7.- Materials for tutors

1.- Planned calendar for work placements 2022-2023



July 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 
July 12 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.              

Classroom 101 and Video Conference   

Link to connect to the briefings

Presentation of Autopracticums

  • Until 7 September if the placement is carried out between October and January
  • Until 30 November if the placement is carried out between February and June

The company will send the following completed annex to Inmaculada.Ferragud@fundacions.uv.es or annex (in english)

Publication of a list of students with admitted Autoprácticums End of July and in the second fortnight of each month, from September to December n the Faculty website
Presentation of Recognition

From June 1 to July 15.. No approval is allowed after this date. 

Hand in documentation to the Faculty Secretariat: email documentation to practicaseconomia@uv.es

Publication of the list of students seeking Recognition Second half of July On the Faculty website
Publication of the offers approved by the Placement Commission, first semester September 8

Virtual Classroom - Community of Practice 

Publication of the offers approved by the Placement Commission, secund semester December 2 Virtual Classroom - Community of Practice 
Selection of placement of choice by student 

First semester:  September 12 and 13
Second semester: From December 12 to 14

Video Conference 
Start of placements

First semester: From October 3, 2022 until January 31, 2023
Second semester: From February 1 to June 30, 2023

Companies/Institutions or entities

2.-Work Placements Guide and report


3.- UVjob Course

4.- Briefings

Download Briefing Presentation Download Degree Final Project (TFG) presentation

5.- Resolutions of Autoprcticums and Recognition of Practices for labour activity

6.- List of Tutors

This information will be regularly updated as the departments allocate tutors

Qualification/Degrees List of Students/Tutors 21-22 List of topics for the academic year 21-22
Double Degree ADE+Derecho

Descarga Lista
Degree in ADE
Download list
Degree ADE Ontinyent
Download list
Degree in Economics
Download list
Degree in Finance and Accounting
Download list
Degree in International Business
Download list
Degree in Tourism
Download list
Double Degree in Tourism +Administration and Business Management (TADE) Download list

7.- Materials for academic tutors