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Workshop on “Using eye movements to study reading”

  • 8 de novembre de 2022
Workshop on “Using eye movements to study reading” (Bernhard Angele)
Bernhard Angele

On November 29th 2022 (15-18h), Bernhard Angele (Bournemouth University) will run a workshop on “Using eye movements to study reading”. Attendance will be recognised as a "Specific Activity" by the Doctoral Programme in "Reading and Comprehension".




Bernhard Angele is an expert on eye movements during skilled adult reading and language processing. He did his dissertation with Keith Rayner at the UMass/UCSD. Specifically, he has been studying the effect of parafoveal preview on processing and reading perfomance. He is also interested in auditory distraction, multi-tasking, academic distraction, and education psychology. More broadly, he also has an interest in mathematical models of cognition, evidence synthesis, statistical and measurement theory, and open science and education.

Bernhard Angele is currently enjoying a research visit in the University of Valencia with professor Manolo Perea.

Day and time: 

November 29th (2022): 15-18h


Room “Gabi Molina” (First floor of the new wing of the Faculty of Pschology.

