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SAITABI. Magazine of the Faculty of Geography and History is a multidisciplinary magazine that publishes a biennial volume dedicated to research topics on Geography, History, Art History, Library Studies, Documentation and Cultural Heritage.

After a long history, with SAITABI issue 62 63. Magazine of the Faculty of Geography and History, corresponding to years 2012-13, it starts a new stage with the objective of enhancing its position within the quality Indicators of scientific publications and its visibility within the Humanities and Social Sciences research environment.

With this intention, to ensure rigorously and objectively the quality of contributions, it has been implemented for the first time the pair assessment process through the peer review. Also, according with the quality assessment guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Innovation we have started the opening and internationalization process of the Editorial Board and Advisory Board, integrating experts in the different knowledge areas in the magazine. At the same time, in order to improve its visibility, all the articles in SAITABI. Magazine of the Faculty of Geography and History are available in RODERIC free content Repository of the University of Valencia.


  • Direction:

Director: Josep Montesinos Martínez

Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History

Secretary: Manuel Lomas Cortés

Secretary of the Faculty of Geography and History


  • Contact:

Faculty of Geography and History

Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 28

46010 València
