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 After revising an exam or having tried without effect, you may appeal a grade or its revision before the dean of the faculty or the director of the school. It must be a written request submitted within 5 business days since the publication of the grades and once the file is left at the faculty or school administration office.  
In order for decisions to be taken on the request for appeals, the Faculty or School Board shall name members of a Grade Revision Committee made up of a minimum of three university professors and/or lectures and one student. The president of the Committee shall be the dean, director or delegate.
The Committee shall have the file of the proceedings available within three working days so that allegations deemed appropriate can be presented in five working days.
The Committee shall take a decision within 20 working days from the day the appeal was filed. This decision shall be justified without aggravating the initial situation and to all retroactive effects it shall be in favour of the student. If this does not occur, you may appeal to the Rector.

To access to the electronic application press here.

Applicable legislation