Universitat de ValènciaFaculty of Geography and History Logo del portal

Number of exam attempts

These are opportunities that exist for passing a course. You have six attempts per subject. If you do not take the exam it will not be counted towards the number of attempts. If you have 15% or fewer pending subjects to finish your degree, there is no limit on the number of attempts.

Moving exam attempts to an earlier date 

You are entitled to move the exam to an earlier date if you are a University of Valencia student and have a maximum of two subjects left to finish your degree programme, regardless of the number of subject credits. A request must be made in advance for all remaining subjects that need to be passed. You must be enrolled in these subjects in the same academic year in which the request has been made.
Advancing the exam date is not subject to a fee, and must be requested in the faculty or school in which you are enrolled, within the established time limit.
