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The grading system used is a scale of 0-10 with one decimal, in addition to a quantitative grade:

  • 0 to 4.9: fail
  • 5 to 6.9: pass
  • 7 to 8.9: merit
  • 9 to 10: distinction or distinction with honours

“Distinction with Honours” may be awarded to students who have obtained a grade of 9.0 or higher. It can be awarded to one out of every twenty students per group.

Validated and adapted subjects must have their equivalence in points, corresponding to the grade obtained in the original university. The qualitative grade is also added.

Free-elective credits obtained, include, if applicable, a grade of Pass (Apto) without a numerical grade, except in special cases stated in the University of Valencia’s regulations for free-electives.

Regarding the grade point average of the academic transcript established in Article 5.3 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, the value of grades for weighting is the numerical grade. At the University of Valencia this is called the quantitative weighted average and, logically, is within the range of 5-10.
Regarding the grade point average (GPA) of the degree established in Section 4.5 of Annex I of the Royal Decree 1044/2002 (regulator of the Diploma Supplement), the value of the qualification is obtained from the following conversion table: pass = 1 point; merit = 2 points; excellent = 3 points; distinction with honours = 4 points; validated = the points that correspond to the original grade from the previous studies. At the University of Valencia, this average is called qualitative weighted average, (grade point average, or GPA) and is within the range of 1-4.

Legislative Regulations