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The functions of this management unit are described in the article 46 of the recent Statutes of the University of Valencia, approved by the Decree 128/2004, 30 July of the Government Council, where are formalise and mentioned the coordination between the teaching centres of each campus, the regulations that will regulate it, the campus board and its membership, as well as the coordination issues.

Services offered

  • Economic management: Control of ordinary and extraordinary budgets (Improvement and Teaching Comfort and Teaching Laboratories), processing of common and ordinary expenses of the centres and also of the maintenance service. Also we have to add the presentation of annual reports of this management.
  • Facilities management: teaching facilities, with special attention to the common Aularios (room buildings) in the campus; no teaching facilities for the possible use of the university community; facilities of temporary transfer for specific uses and also we have to add the management of parking access of the building Aulario V-FCAFE-FISIOTERAPIA.
  • Campus management: Calls and coordination of Dean Boards, common activities (cultural, informational, institutional, operational, organizational).
  • Services management: Supervision of companies responsible of the maintenance of the infrastructure (electricity, gas, heating, elevators and others); management and processing of insurance records; control and coordination of cleaning, security, gardening, cafeteria, vending machines and photocopying services.
  • Maintenance management: Organisation of requests and reduction of expenses.
  • General services: organisational and administrative support to the different acts which take place at the Blasco Ibañez Campus.
  • Support to the management of the Research University Institutes and ERI, assigned to the Blasco Ibáñez Campus:

University Institute of Women's Studies

Institute for the History of Medicine and Science “López Piñero”.

Inter-university Institute for Valencian Language Studies (IIFV)

Community Psychology Research Institute (IDOCAL)

Inter-university Institute for Applied Modern Languages (IULMA)