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Carlos Esplugues, invested Honoris Causa by the Universidad Arturo Prat of Chile

  • Press Office
  • December 2nd, 2019
Carlos Esplugues with representatives of the Universidad Arturo Prat.
Carlos Esplugues with representatives of the Universidad Arturo Prat.

Carlos Esplugues Mota, Professor of International Private Law at the Universitat de València and Director of the Master’s Degree in Law, Business and Justice, has been awarded an honorary Doctorate by the Universidad Arturo Prat of the State of Chile (Iquique).

The 'laudatio' was given by his disciple, Professor Hans Guthrie Solis, who is currently the head of the Law Degree at the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences of that university.

In the event, held on Thursday, November 21st within the framework of the IX Jornadas Nacionales de Derecho del Consumo de Chile (9th National Conference on Consumer Law in Chile), the reasons for the award of the Doctorate ‘Honoris Causa' were explained, and the academic career of Professor Esplugues, with training at Harvard and in Scotland, and the profuse relationship he currently has with numerous Latin American universities were highlighted.

Carlos Esplugues is currently the representative of Spain on the Grupo de Trabajo II -Arbitraje y Mediación- de la Comisión de Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional (UNCITRAL/CNUDMI, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), and has been a member of various legislative commissions in the European Union.  Until 2017 he was President of the Associación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations). His extensive work is written in Spanish, English, Japanese and Russian.  He has served as a guest professor on a regular basis at universities in Latin America, Europe and Asia.