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ECB Frankfurt
I Conference of Young Researchers in Banking Law

The most important goals of this Jean Monnet Chair are:

• Contribute to excellence and support study, research and reflection on issues of public banking law of the European Union by both undergraduate and master’s degree students and young professors and researchers.

• To bring the professional and academic worlds closer together on issues related to banking law.

This European Banking Public Law congress, will focus on the development of a wide range of activities on European Union banking law, by Juan Antonio Ureña Salcedo and the collaboration of the scientific committee Belén Andrés Segovia, Pedro Chaparro Matamoros, José Léon Alapont and Eduardo E. Taléns Visconti.

The congress will be both face-to-face and virtual. Registration is free of charge; however, it is essential to access the session. To register, you must provide your full name and surname and an e-mail address. To that email address, the registration will be confirmed, the link to follow the sessions will be sent and the certificate of attendance will be sent to those who request it.

  • 10 june 2021 at 09:30 to 20:00. Thursday.
  • 11 june 2021 at 10:00 to 14:00. Friday.

Facultad de Derecho

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