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Jornadas 50 aniversario ICCP
ICCP 50th Anniversary Conference

University Research Institute of Criminology and Criminal Science of the Universitat de València was created fifty years ago, and is the second oldest institute in Spain, only behind the Criminology Institute of the Complutense University of Madrid.

In order to celebrate this 50th anniversary, we have programmed a conference which, in addition to bringing together former directors of the Institute and professors and jurists related to the world of criminology, aims to provide some answers to the current challenges of criminological research. 

The inauguration of these days directed by Mª Asunción Colás Turgeon, 

Professor of Criminal Law and Co-director of the Master in Criminology and Security, will be in charge of the Principal of the Universitat de València, María Vicenta Mestre Escrivá, Javier Palao Gil, Dean of the Faculty of Law and José Luis González Cussac, Professor of Criminal Law and Director of the ICCP.

The Conference will also serve as the closing session of the 6th Edition of the Master's Degree in Criminology and Security.


ScheduleFrom 20 june 2019 to 21 june 2019. Thursday and friday at 09:30 to 15:00.


Sala Tomás Vives Antón. Facultat de Dret

Organized by

Institut de Criminologia i Ciències Penals.



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