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Gen T Plan. Call 2022

  • January 11th, 2022
Image de la noticia

The Programme for the support of talented researchers (GenT Plan) of the Generalitat Valenciana has been in operation since 2017. Its aim is to attract, retain and consolidate scientific talent of international excellence in Valencian public universities and research centres.

Managed by the Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital, the programme provides grants to contract doctorate research staff for a period of four years, extendable for a further two years. Thus, in the period 2018-2020 the programme has facilitated the incorporation of 84 researchers into the Valencian scientific system, with 3 grants of excellence of European Research Council (ERC).

In the candidate evaluation phase, the call of the year 2021has a budget of 12 million euros to contract a maximum of 38 researchers of excellence. It is structured in three modalities (the first two are for researchers not linked to the Valencian scientific system):

1) Excellent doctorate researchers (CIDEGENT): 20 employment contracts, with a gross salary of 70,000 euros, including social security contributions. In addition, each researcher has an additional endowment of a maximum of 100,000 euros per year to prepare a research project and plan the application for an ERC grant. As a requirement, applicants must have, at least, one of the following conditions: an ERC grant (or have passed the first phase); an individual grant Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA); a Ramón y Cajal grant; or having obtained a doctorate degree for at least 6 years, with two years of experience abroad.

2) Doctors with international experience (CDEIGENT): 9 employment contracts, with a gross salary of 55,000 euros, including social security contributions. In this case, the annual amount for carrying out a research project is 30,000 euros. Candidate researchers must have held a doctorate degree for between two and six years, with at least two years of international experience.

3) Excellent junior researchers in the Valencian system (SEJIGENT): 9 employment contracts, with a gross salary of 80,000 euros, for researchers linked to Valencian universities and research centres and for a period of 5 to 12 years after obtaining their doctorate degree. Researchers must prepare a research project and plan to apply for an ERC grant.

For more information, take a look at the website of Programme for the support of talented researchers (GenT Plan) of the Generalitat Valenciana.